VJG’s attorneys have represented and advised public school districts and independent schools throughout the state for more than fifty years, providing comprehensive legal advice on nearly all aspects of school operations.

School Law Team
Our attorneys understand how schools work. Some of us have experience working in-house. We are fully engaged in the school law community in the state. We frequently present on current topics at statewide and national school law conferences. We have taught school law to future principals and administrators for over twenty years. Rather than being just another practice area, school law is our passion and our craft.
Whether in the board room or the courtroom, our approach is to offer practical, proactive, and cost-effective advice so that administrators and board directors can devote maximum time to what really matters: supporting the safe and successful education of children.
To that end, we provide counsel on legal matters including, but not limited to, the following:
General Counsel
The sheer breadth of legal challenges facing school districts can seem overwhelming to many overworked administrators. Our experienced, school law attorneys can help our clients overcome these challenges, whether they involve:
- Students – for example, harassment, intimidation and bullying claims, discrimination charges, student discipline, free speech, or school safety issues;
- Administrative matters – public records requests, interpreting or drafting contracts, staff training, or employee leave; or
- Board of Directors issues – policy drafting, public meetings, elections, collective bargaining, or joint ventures.
Special Education
Our Special Education team stays up to date with the constantly evolving federal and state regulations and case law pertinent to children with special needs. Whether your need for advice concerns Due Process hearings, Individualized Education Programs meetings or issues, or drafting advice, Citizen’s Complaints, or Restraint and Isolation matters, our team is ready to assist you.
Our Litigators manage all manner of tort and discrimination claims with the goal of defending school districts, administrators, and staff, while avoiding unnecessary expense and expenditure of resources.
Labor & Employment
The world of labor and employment law is rife with opportunities for missteps, particularly as applied to Washington public schools. VJG frequently provides guidance on employee discipline and investigations, discrimination complaints, mandatory reporting, performance evaluations, reductions in force, grievances and unfair labor practices, arbitration, and collective bargaining.
Appellate Practice
VJG attorneys have represented schools at every state and federal court level in Washington including the United States Supreme Court.
School Construction
VJG attorneys bring years of experience to this specialized area of practice including the laws governing public bidding and construction defect claims.
Real Property
Schools have their own unique issues when it comes to managing their property. For over three decades, VJG has been unique among school law firms in its ability to offer real property advice to schools in the areas of leases/rental agreements, facilities use, boundary disputes, land use permitting, and interlocal agreements.
Recall of Public Officials
VJG is well experienced in providing advice specifically geared to the recall of public officials, including board directors facing the recall process.
Independent Schools
In addition to our public education practice, VJG represents independent and parochial schools throughout Western Washington. VJG attorneys advise and train our independent and parochial school clients in such areas as employment law, including hiring and termination; student and faculty handbook review; student discipline actions; real estate and business transactions; and board governance matters, including NAIS and NWAIS best practices guidance.